
Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

“We fight Rhodes because he means so much for oppression, injustice, & moral degradation to South Africa - but if he passed away tomorrow there still remains the terrible fact that something in our society has formed the matrix which has fed, nourished and built up such a man.”


10 Years of Basha Uhuru

The Basha Uhuru Freedom Festival Creative Week is an all-encompassing creative showcase, an opportunity for creatives and aspiring creatives to come together, be inspired, showcase their talents and feed their creativity.

Spirit of the Water Dancing

I had a mysterious dream after a tiring day at my studio painting my dreams. The dream was a blur although I recall some of its images. An unknown spirit appeared to me in the form of a water snake traveling towards a land inhabited by lost souls in a world that is now Babylon.

Necropolitics & Horror — Review of Nope

The extended theme running through Nope is predation. Peele presents the concept of a predator as a seemingly unstoppable force untamable by nature, creating clear rules for how predators operate. Don’t challenge them by looking them in the eye. Don’t hold them in captivity. Make deals with them to survive.


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