Molaodi Wa Sekake
well, nami angazi, angifuni kuthiwe ngitheni. but what i can say Mzala is that neo-liberal capitalism is running amok and those who are supposed to seriously tamper with capitalist imperialist power relations merely yell in microphones _ well, say "performative rage". and the following day it's bussiness as usual.
upon receiving the job offer many of us give thanks, and so we say, "God blessed me with a job. ngyabonga". yet two months down the line we cry foul, "deadlines kill me, i really cannot feel myself, i know God will come in handy. i can't take it anymore here".
Unfortunately, the political elite gets mere crumbs, and worse of all fiercely fight over them, while the bourgeoisie power structure consolidates for a total take-over of a sovereign country.
“Philani and his associates continue to suffer. The gospel of transformation never brings salvation to them. They are blamed for their misery… and whites without matric play golf all day yet live beyond the means of every other race,” writes Molaodi Wa Sekake
Lushaba's crime? To stretch political science beyond acceptable limits set by the Empire. He blasted off the lid that protects the dominant canon in the political science discipline as we know it. By so doing he gives political science an existentially responsive content and outlook when it comes to the lives that it had been made to overlook and violate. And so, yes, his pedagogical approach offends white epistemic sensibilities. Lushaba's argument, as I understand it, is very simple and logical.
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