Masilo Lepuru
Central to European colonial conquest which laid the foundation for white settler colonialism in ‘conqueror South Africa’(Ramose 2018) since 1652 is the violent dispossession of the land of the Indigenous people by European conquerors.
"My father had complete confidence in the intellectual and administrative superiority of the White man. He was convinced that, come what will, these would see him safely through all trouble.
The race war of conquest since 1652 should be foregrounded because the law is an extension of this war by other means, such as the settler constitutions since 1853. The fundamental significance of the Afrikanist-War-Studies paradigm lies in its ontological focus on white settlers as the fundamental problem, as opposed to their institutions of war, such as law.
One of the dangerous disadvantages of the failure of the Azanian revolutionary project, as symbolized by Poqo’s “one settler, one bullet” battle cry, is that the liberal nonracialism of the Charterists managed to redeem abelumbi/ wizards or white settlers.
Sharpeville had nothing to do with human rights since according to the children of Van Riebeek, the historical natives had no rights that they were willing to respect.
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