Veli Mbele
We believed that Black Theatre should serve as a forum for black people to discover themselves as beings—with the ability to think, analyze, and form our own life values, rather than imitating values imposed by others.
The 12th of September marks the 45th anniversary of the brutal murder in detention of one of our preeminent Black Power Warriors, uBab’uBantu Biko.
If we must die, let it not be like hogs / Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, / While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
There is something special about July for us in the Black world. Last month, we marked some of the most significant anniversaries in Black history.
One of the lingering legacies of colonial invasion in Afrika is the tragedy where, even in remembering what our invaders did to us, we find ourselves remembering in ways that are prescribed by our invaders.
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