Dr. Tshepo Mvulane Moloi
it has remained perplexing to me how mute the mainstream media has been concerning the fateful departure of this gifted local ‘son of the soil.’ To unmute Mocholoko’s griot status, let’s turn to his obituary, which affords his voice expression.
If existing records are accurate, 2024 arguably marks a seminal 350 years since Krotoa (1643-1674) transitioned to the ancestral realm. After attending an inaugural workshop on the "Histories of Universities in South Africa" hosted at Stellenbosch University (SU), led by Prof. Salim Badat in March 2023, I reflected on why the formerly named RW Wilcocks Building was renamed in honor of Krotoa.
In a more contemporary study by Sandra Sanyagitha Sooklal, it is stated that the origins of "The history of technical and vocational education in South Africa are bound up with the early development of the South African economy and the discovery of diamonds and gold in the 19th Century" (Sooklal; 2005:19).
It is a matter of public record, that by then, you had already penned your first classic Mzala: The Stories of Mbulelo Mzamane (1980). It did not escape some of us, that the latter was published with the anti-Apartheid publisher Ravan Press.
My proposed effort to herein eulogize Tibz will be limited, to his lifelong association with SHC, which was partially attempted at his memorial service on Thursday 16th February 2023, hosted at SHC’s hall and chapel whence both AKA and Tibz’s family’s and dear friends were in attendance.
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