The annoying persistent fantasy of the rainbow nation has been subjected to a popular critique. Its banality has seen even the so-called born-frees who are its supposed beneficiaries indicating some kind of discomfort with it.
Despite these problematic ideological trappings of the Congress Tradition, this is a well-written book. For a biography that does not focus mainly on the intellectual contribution of the protagonist but on his life and times in general, this is a well-structured book.
White settler colonialism has a complex history which includes slavery and “the journeys of discovery” around the 1400s. These European criminal campaigns which are euphemistically called “journeys of discovery” were based on the blessings of the popes.
This is because many Afrikans have naively refused to admit that the white race has declared a race war of ultimate racial extermination against them. This admission is of course very painful and this is why Afrikans prefer to engage in many diversionary activities including critiquing the institutions of their white enemies rather than the white enemies themselves.
White supremacy does not need apartheid. This is why white supremacy has outlived the regime of apartheid under liberal constitutional democracy in the current so-called new South Africa.
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