Arts Reporter
The exhibition is a three-part presentation exploring the concept of "Pula" a Setswana term that refers to 'rain'. It is a metaphor for prosperity, abundance, and exploring the concept of blessings such as through symbolic themes of spirituality & socio-political conversations.
his body of work is presented through lithographic prints, wallpaper and newsprint across the space. These materials are tests for the artist to consider how photography can be experienced in a different way in order for it to create an exhibitionary affect.
Translating from Hausa as ‘tales’ (folk or fairytales), Tatsuniya centres improvisation, childhood and colloquial methods of self-development. Across these video works and photographic images, students are seen playing in scenes choreographed during collaborative workshops.
UMHLABATHI Collective brings together eight Johannesburg-based photographers at varying stages of their respective careers.
Selen Daver, the Cultural Attaché for the French Embassy of South Africa, said, "Over the last decade, Fête de la Musique has grown to be one of the most anticipated experiences amongst avid festival-goers in Johannesburg.
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