As a response to the fatigue of everyday mass media statistics about both the infections and mortality rates, conspiracy theories pertaining vaccines, spats regarding the origins of this pandemic and the discomfort caused by global lockdown regulations; Musa Nxumalo curates this exhibition with an intension to bring to the fore the ideas that are explored by contemporary visual artists who are actively exploring ideas and producing work during this complex moment of our lifetime.
A highlight for collectors is the creative response of photographers to the Covid 19 pandemic. This includes dramatic portraits by Lamyne M from the Ivory Coast, theatrical imagery by Jabulani Dlamini and Marc Shoul’s social documentary interventions.
"The Bassline Live night was an incredible moment for live music. I enjoyed sharing the evening with Zu. and I am sure all the music lovers in attendance enjoyed creating magic with us.”
She Bad Bad is a photographic exhibition for emerging Black female photographers in South Africa. The title is a celebration of their strength, courage and diversity, coined from the colloquial term “bad bitch”, She Bad Bad describes women whose photography re-imagines conceptual works of art through lived experiences. These are the “Bad bitches” of the industry.
“Lyricism seemed not only permissible but possi-ble. In the late ‘90s I became aware of colour as a particular quality of this place and its light that I wanted to explore. It seemed ‘thin’, yet intense,” wrote Goldblatt in the publication, Regarding In-tersections (Steidl, 2014).
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