Nomsa Bembe
So he gets recorded for alleged cheating and so called brands (white people) start pulling out? So who people bang destroys companies? Imani bo! Maybe I don't understand how these things work.
Sibekezelela udodi nje. Kumele manje basebenzise i-straw badonse umsobho when they go down on us because muffing is just so old fashion just like lelobola abangafuni ukulikhipha. Umuntu wakhona u-busy uyamncenga kanti inyumba
Ei mara at least siphumulile abathakathi ne staff sase Broom Airways. Phela lento ye lockdown applies to them as well, meaning also no more midnight habits such as broom-flying. Akufani yaz. Umuntu sekayakwazi nokuvuka ngo-3am aphahle akhulume nabantu abadala without hearing weird noises outside umsindo wama wizard awa ngemishanyelo
Ei kodwa ibhadi leli. No more being romantic udlise umuntu wakho nge-spoon bowudla ngaso. Kusho vele we cannot share cups as well? Eya ayabulala amathe bahlali. Kungqono mawuya ku quarantine uye no-baby ngoba self-isolation yenu izoyenza abaningi bazibulale yaz coz they have never dealt with themselves before.
Cuddling yabo Jesu! Uvukeliswa yi-warmth yakhe net ku-skin sakho. They even kiss you before touching your thigh, unlike lemigulukudu who touch your thigh first as a sign of wanting to go in between your legs. They always call or text to ensure if you alright and if you not, they wanna know what they can do to help. They even introduce you to their family and they pray nawe and go to church nawe.
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