
uMaboe Udlise iTeam

uMaboe Udlise iTeam


Yey nina bondaba! Ave nizithanda izindaba zabantu fok! Nithi uKatlego Maboe wenzeni? Ok, asikhulumeni. So he gets recorded for alleged cheating and so called brands (white people) start pulling out? So who people bang destroys companies? Imani bo! Maybe I don't understand how these things work. She takes a video and he loses his job or jobs and she will want him to support the child? Kanti how does this thing work vele vele?

All this was not necessary, bheka manje uzohlekwa losisi akana ne truckload of sugar because she is going to need it. And again she better be earning a good salary because she will need to maintain the lavish lifestyle he has been providing. Kuthiwa phela uNikita no Katlego have been working and traveling together since 2018 and his answer was, ONCE!!!! Kudala kuhanjwa ngo Pat Mbatha la. Nikita wabantu uyongena enkingeni manje ngenxa yebhari engakwazi ukuphika icala, abantu baphika amacala abomvu yena uhlulwa ukuthi yi STD yedradi le cos bekangagezanga izandla. He was just supposed to say, "Awume ngoku recorder ngisayothenga ama antibiotics ngiyabuya”.

Sho uthe asageza endlini uNikita wezwa her husband playing the video. Nikita wabantu shem. Why did he not just deny it ke, or say it was with Sasa from Soweto. Kanti abafana benzani ku lama men’s conference wabo? Abafundisani uku phika? Udlise i-team yamadoda lo and it’s going to take men a long time to equalize because he even name drops. Who does that? I'm not surprised though. That hair cut inobu Democratic Alliance nyana.

This is the only man I know who would admit to such stupidity. Akusi sotsha leli, haisuka! Le chap isn't a fighter. Kumele afele empini.

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Nomsa Bembe

Nomsa Bembe

Let The Juices Guide You This Valentine’s Day

Let The Juices Guide You This Valentine’s Day

Now, back to me being a guy. Valentine’s Day would not be every day; yes, I'd love my girl and cherish her everyday but she would get 50 Shades of Grey shandies once a year. See, s a girl, it is my fantasy to wake up to my man busy stroking and licking my khekhe, riding me gently while I am half asleep, kissing me while going in and out and all my juices making the situation so wet and slippery while I reach orgasm.



Cuddling yabo Jesu! Uvukeliswa yi-warmth yakhe net ku-skin sakho. They even kiss you before touching your thigh, unlike lemigulukudu who touch your thigh first as a sign of wanting to go in between your legs. They always call or text to ensure if you alright and if you not, they wanna know what they can do to help. They even introduce you to their family and they pray nawe and go to church nawe.

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