
Imagine umithe after udodi we-sex

Imagine umithe after udodi we-sex

There are guys who just can't seem to satisfy a woman in bed. I don't know if iqininiso ukuthi experience helps or maybe abanye basuke babe over confident. Hai cha kunabantu abakhefuzela phezu kwakho njenge truck yamalahle and lesoskhathi wena awuzwa fokol. Umuntu wakhona uyakurasela asking why you not cumming. Tl tl tl tl are the only sounds in the room. You be rolling eyes asking yourself if this idiot akaqedi. Umuntu ujulukile mara into ayenzayo ayikho. Angithi nathi ma-girls sithanda ama fake moans and fake orgasms just to boost a guy's ego? Hai maan. Phela once ama-sheet get wet we know that akusasiyi-sex le, umdavazo nje klaar. Imagine ke umithe after udodi we-sex. I-womb yakho izoba i-chemist yama morning after pills shame. That's why ekasi ama morning after pills sekwaba ama-halls the way adliwa ngakhona. Ngeke ubenomntwana nomuntu ongakwazi nokukudla.

Ok. Nangu uJomo uzibiza ngo sex-tsharo. Angithi abo sisi bayakhala makabadavuza. uJomo has a big mapipi but has absolutely no idea how to use it. Ayikho into ebuhlungu njenge dry sex bathong! When you tell him that ukhathele uchazeka mo. Yiyo mos into ayifunayo. La aqede khona ukukuqhaqha imbumbuza uzwa ngathi ungafaka ama ice embumbuzeni. When you finally get your strength back, uhlangana ne-mission yokuthi uhambe. Ibuhlungu i-biscuit that time ulidabulile uJomo. Mawuthi uyagoba udobha idzunga aqhazeke akuphinde futhi akudavaze. Yho. Then he tells you ukuthi ufuna ukuthi uyizwe esibelethweni. Haibo...ufaka kanjani umbhobho wakho wonke omunye umntwana a-dry mara? Awusathi ukufaka ikhanda kuphela ke?

Eh bese uthola abo- Pieter. Hai leyogenge ingiqeda amandla. uPieter yena shame uphethe i-pipitjie. Ayikho phela lento yokuthi a woman has a huge mbobo. No. Indaba iku-Pieter. Makafesha kukhala abo-tl tl tl tl akafinyeleli ubhuti. Noma ubaby angathi go deeper I am certain kuzongena intamo yonke namaqanda. Smoko? Angithi uyazi ukuthi you are not blessed, so why spend too much time getting your girl aroused abemanzi nte? Phela i-sex i-right if mawuthi uyangena ku baby ithi ukukusogolisa kancane. Manje mawuwela nje emgodini she will roll her eyes mawufesha mos. Bheka, i-simple daai ding. Kunokuthi ulokhu ukhothana no baby ikhekhe wazi kahle ukuthi uzowela masekamanzi, spend less time ku fourplay. Ngena after a couple of kisses here and there, come out before wena uchama then lick her aze achame. Wipe out her juices nge-vaslap bese uyabuyela ke umfeshe kuze kuchame wena. Bazokushiya baphuze i-Black Label ngawe mawubheda, ohho.

Abo-guy are not the only ones ke abamosha i-sex. Uyabazi abo chikken who just lie there like a chicken sliced on top of a braai stand? Yho. Umuntu wazi nokuthi ku-ceiling kunezimbobo ezingakhi. Ok girl, bj nyana? Dololo. Woman on top? Niks. La azifosta khona akuphe i-woman on top, only the head is going up and down. Doggy style ke? Ah umuntu udunusa njenge bhubhesi. No sisi. Ass up, tummy down, ayibone kahle lento. Ei but don't break your spine trying to please indoda ngoba angakushiya ulokhu uyikhamisile into yakho. No way.

Abanye abo Gloria. Ohho. Labo they never cum first and are never satisfied. Umuntu uthi umupha i-oral sex niks. Uthi umfesha countless times with breaks in between akachami. When you cum first as a guy umoshile. Le-type iyahlupha shame. Nawe girl you know exactly what makes you cum mos? Tshela umuntu wakho habe! Rub your clit when he is banging you, tell him to suck your breasts, whatever it is that makes you cum, or else he will think that you recently had sex that's why wena ungachami. Yoh sex without orgasms is a complete waste of time. Bowusayenzani ingaphumanga yonke lento beyikuphethe? Mawuthi uyasukuma uyovula i-fridge uthi uphuza amanzi athi upholisa ubufebe. Eh. Mara wena if you were to fake the orgasm no one will blame you shame. You saving your relationship mos. Fake it till you make it wena ghel!

Asisebenzisaneni. Sex akusiwumdlalo wanoma ubani. Abanye they settle for bad sex just cause the partner muhle ezithombeni. Abanye basidabulela ama lingerie bathi the moment is enjoyed ungagqokanga. Abanye sibafakela I-coat and nothing underneath basibiza ngabomajazane. Abanye bamosha the whole mood by not having protection. Umuntu sekagijima uya ema-garage ebusuku to buy condoms, wena usale uyaskomora cause uvukelwe makabuya sowu-grand. Angithi when you invite her for a movie uyazi ukuthi she will be the movie? Manje? Be prepared. Noma akuncisha at least wena uzoskomora ngayo le condom yakho and not make a mess.

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