
Awuphinde Mzala - For Culture’s Sake

Awuphinde Mzala - For Culture’s Sake

I once read that the existence of city dwellers borders on the pathological; we become victims of phantasms, fears, and obsessions that bind us to patterns of archaic behaviour. I partially, if not entirely, agree with the sentiment. I am as passionate about leaving as I am about staying in this city where all metaphors for life can be found. In this here joint, kindness cannot live without cruelty. A city that is as unpredictable as it is calm-as erratic as it is tranquil. Voetsek I love you Jozi, we all tell this cement heartbeat as it pours new life into our dreams and occasionally threatens a sudden cardiac arrest to our ambitions. Voetsek I love you Jozi.

Built on the backs of myriad migrants who came here in search of a better life but instead found skokiaan, whips, violence, prison, wives, families, music, art, madness, and love…this is the city of Santu Mofokeng's Godly lens, Taiwa's Genes and Spirit.

This is a city with a creative energy and community that nothing, not even itself, can contain. Johannesburg is as vibrant as its people, with as many epithets as its transitory nature...Jozi, eGoli, eMjibha surrounded by oMambisa, oMsotra noGomora...some cut and some lose their teeth "kwanyama kayipheli, kuphela amazinyo endoda."

They came to the city in search of gold; we came in search of the culture they left behind. Phinda Mzala, if you must...we are here for the culture-ons phola hier tot tot…

Look around; there isn't any gold underground (at least not for us), but there are several movements (such as Phinda Mzala) devoted to uncovering the real treasures of Johannesburg - our cultural practitioners.

With all that said, Phinda Mzala cordially invites you to:
177A Perth Road, Westdene, Johannesburg
26 November 2022
R80 Entrance fee [At the door]

Who? The Gift is a jazz ensemble led by East Rand-based The Gift (composer and vocalist) and she is accompanied by a 6-piece band. One might describe their sound as "eclectic, capturing, intentional, and everything you should hear." However, in reality, there are no words that can adequately capture the experience; instead, you simply need to be there.

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Mpilo Ngema

Mpilo Ngema



“Impambano is madness. An exploration of the aspects of ourselves that we might not always want to embrace or encounter. Reflections, revelations, and ecstasy. A congress of non-conformist, misfits, and Gods.” – Sick Sessions.

Awuphinde Mzala - For Culture’s Sake

Awuphinde Mzala - For Culture’s Sake

A city that is as unpredictable as it is calm-as erratic as it is tranquil. Voetsek I love you Jozi, we all tell this cement heartbeat as it pours new life into our dreams and occasionally threatens a sudden cardiac arrest to our ambitions. Voetsek I love you Jozi.

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Safe Energy

They can never look us dead in the eye for fear of facing the truth we are—the spark they ignited and neglected. What are we to them but an interference and a collage of ugly adjectives: ungrateful, lazy, confused, addicts...

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