

Basha Uhuru Creative Week

Basha Uhuru Creative Week

Basha Uhuru, taking place at Constitution Hill, will commence on June 21st with Creative Week and culminate in the Sounds of Freedom Music Festival on June 24th. Creative Week encompasses a diverse array of events, such as music industry workshops, a creative wellness program, panel discussions, exhibitions, and films.

Nelson Mandela: The Idea

Nelson Mandela: The Idea

This day of hope reminds us of the countless years Mandela spent sacrificing himself in pursuit of a better future. One can't help but wonder what it's like to spend "27 years" in confinement. Surely, his thoughts were not consumed by trivialities like daily meals or how the media or his supporters would consider which filter to use on his photograph.

Phinda Mzala: The Dialogue (Mayendo Abwino)

Phinda Mzala: The Dialogue (Mayendo Abwino)

The beautiful art hanging on the walls, the eclectic souls walking in and out of the organised chaos, strangers on their path to lifelong friendships exchanging light pleasantries, and passing around zols, beers, cigarettes and love are all a prelude to the music.


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