Culture Writer
This 6th edition of the Constitution Hill Human Rights festival takes place at a time when our country is in crisis and our Constitutional vision of social justice and human rights is being stretched to breaking point. For this reason, the theme of the festival is Seize the Power!
These exciting sessions are aimed at upholding The Writers’ Lab’s long-standing mission to provide quality educational development initiatives for artists in development through exposure to industry best-practices and university level educational content.
Poetry Over A Pandemic is the proverbial oasis in the midst of a scorching desert sun and thus will provide much needed relief and sanctuary, restoration of a sense of community and healing that only poetry accompanied by hauntingly beautiful and soothing sounds of a variety of indigenous musical instruments can provide.
Frontières is essentially a Pan African perspective on migration and coloniality giving intimate voice to people as individuals, far removed from the images of hundreds of thousands of people, walking, on sea, crossing rivers - the faceless and nameless.
If our struggle is truly driven by principle, solidarity and love then what Lorde is saying is not difficult to understand. Unlike the Mpemnyamas who claim that Black Power movements are inherently intersectional, I wish to echo the cry from the many Black feminists and Black gender non-conforming activists within the Fees Must Fall and Rhodes Must Fall movements that “this movement will be intersectional or it will be bullshit”.
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