Thandolwethu Sipuye
Modjadji is the Balobedu (Limpopo/Zimbabwe) Goddess. Her specialties are balance, restoration, weather, cleansing and fertility. She sends gentle rain that makes gardens and fields flourish to her people, and she sends droughts, storms and floods to her people’s enemies
Years back I learnt that the place we call "kuHophu" is actually named after a murderous white settler named Hamilton Hope who was the Magistrate of Qumbu and representative of British colonial rule under the reign of AmaMpondomise King, Mhlontlo, Son of King Matiwane.
42 years after his death under banishment, the legacy of Prof. Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe remains but a haunting shadow in South African historiography, dis-membered and left to the vultures to feast on its carcass.
Black leaders could not comprehend Gcaleka's claims because they are descendants of Kings that were defeated and subjugated through Christianity and settler-colonialism.
The most recent of these obnoxious and false misconceptions about Biko is the statement made by journalist and author, Pieter Du Toit in his book, ‘The Stellenbosch Mafia’, that Johan Rupert “struck up a relationship with Black Consciousness leader Steve Biko”.
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