
Xola Skosana

Cross-Over Syndrome

Black people cross over into hell every year. The only person crossing over temporally is the one banking last night's offering. He too will soon be crossing back to hell as soon as the money lands in white hands.

Beware, We Are Being Demobilized!

In a strange twist, referring to Blacks as "the faceless poor" it allows white liberals to profit from our misery, establishing well-funded NGO's. The only time Blacks feature as Blacks not as "the poor" are in the glossy magazines, proposals and reports sent to donors by whites in exchange of the dollar.

We’re Done Talking to Whites

Black People have taken to social media in thousands if not millions, using every possible form of communication, from allegory to poetry, including well researched articles and statistics, graphic images of the many dimensions and multi-layers of Black Pain, to no avail.

Hope Restored

The ANC emerged out of such christianized Blacks, who, as their first call of duty to liberate their people, saw it fit to go beg the Queen in England for inclusion in the whites only legislation and governing system.

A Black Prayer From A Non-Christian

Let the unearned advantage of land language and wealth enjoyed by white people in Azania become an unavoidable agenda in every cabinet meeting, every legotla and every caucus.

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