
On Hating Your Enemy

On Hating Your Enemy

Properly understood, an enemy is someone who threatens not just your livelihood, but one who threatens your very existence. Globally, Black pain and suffering is a direct a result of racism/white supremacy. Racism/white supremacy is a historically-evolved-globalised-all-consuming system of anti-Black violence.

White people invented racism/white supremacy (even though they continue to refuse to take credit for their invention). As the victims of racism/white supremacy, Black people hate racism/white supremacy. And this is generally regarded as okay.

But Black people are not allowed to hate white people, even though the system (racism/white supremacy) they designed (and continue to benefit from), still persists and continues to brutalise Black people (not white people).

So, to appear 'progressive' and acceptable to the white world and the quislings among us - Black people now find themselves saying schizophrenic things such as 'we don't hate white people, we hate racism/white supremacy' or 'Being pro Black doesn't mean you are anti-white'. WhaTheFuck is that?

How can any intelligent person hate the fact that they, their grandparents, parents and children are oppressed, but not hate the inventor, source, sustainer or beneficiary of their pain, suffering and misery (oppression)?

How does pro-Blackness not imply anti-whiteness when whiteness is sustained through the oppression, exploitation, brutalisation and death of the Black body?

Would it have been possible for racism/white supremacy to exist or for it to brutalise the Black body, without the existence or the conscious effort of white people?

Black people must realise that the ultimate aim of racism/white supremacy is to guarantee the continued and unconditional survival and total dominance of the Caucasoid race as a specie.

And through the ages, white people have demonstrated that they are more than willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their continued survival and total dominance (in all spheres of human activity).

In contemporary terms, the United Snakes of AmeriKKKa and the Zionist state of Israel are perfect examples of the extent to which white people are prepared to go to achieve their existential goals. If this means having to invade the territory of another group or nation, and in the process taking their land, mineral wealth, raping and murdering them, capturing their physical bodies, they will do so.

Then after all this bloody adventure, white people still have the nerve to dictate (through their instruments of coercion), how the groups and nations they brutalise and conquer must articulate their pain or historical memory.

This is what we mean by whiteness as a form of totalising violence. Why do some Black people not understand this existential reality? A lot of us Black people have not bothered to understand the world for what it is and have a horribly falsified understanding of our place in human history and relationship with other races.

The main reason for our horribly falsified consciousness and status of as the eternal captives of whites (and other non-Black groups) - is because we continue to look at the self and the world through the eyes of our race-enemies.

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Veli Mbele

Veli Mbele

Veli Mbele is an Afrocentric essayist and secretary of the Black Power Front.

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On Hating Your Enemy

On Hating Your Enemy

The main reason for our horribly falsified consciousness and status of as the eternal captives of whites (and other non-Black groups) - is because we continue to look at the self and the world through the eyes of our race-enemies.

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