
GOAT Hamilton Whether Whites Like It or Not

GOAT Hamilton Whether Whites Like It or Not

It happened to the Williams sisters. Their dominance and greatness in global tennis was not recognised by the white supremacist world. They were dismissed as lacking talent and only over-relying on power. They were strangely thought to be muscles without brains.

It is now happening to Lewis Hamilton. They refuse to recognise his greatness in the F1 motor race sport. It doesn't matter that he has surpassed Michael Schumacher in terms of races and championships won. They still don't recognise Hamilton as the all-time best F1 driver.

Snooker superstar Ronnie O'Sullivan bizarrely believes the races are not won by Hamilton but his technically superior Mercedes car. O'Sullivan's (lack of) reasoning is that, "If you have a car that is going a second a lap quicker than the other cars, in theory all he has to beat is his team-mate [Valtteri] Bottas – who seems to be comfortable and happy playing second fiddle".

There are at least three things that are overlooked by this envious (lack of) reasoning.

Firstly, Hamilton is not the first driver to win races with a technically better car. Schumacher was one such driver who enjoyed Ferrari's technical superiority. But his achievements were never attributed to his car. They still believed he was the driver who drove his car to win.

Secondly, the driving conditions were terrible at the Turkey race which was wet and lacked grip . As a result, Hamilton qualified to start at number 6. Despite that disadvantage, Hamilton silenced his critics and won the race. That was attributed to his tactics and driving skills.

Thirdly, Hamilton's teammate Vatteri Bottas finished the race at number 13. That dispelled the malicious attack that the Mercedes cars are so technically superior that they drive themselves.

What makes all this Hamilton hatred strange is that the first to not recognise him are the British fans. They think that he talks too much. They wish he was silent like Schumacher and just concentrated on the race and ignored the racism that is condemning black people to sub-human beings.

The hatred has become even worse with the prospect that Hamilton will be knighted by the British Queen to now be called Sir Hamilton. British tennis superstar Andy Murray has been quick off the mark to express his disapproval that sportspersons should be knighted. But he forgets that he is "Sir Murray" after he was knighted when he was doing well. He finds problems with the knighting of athletes only when it is Hamilton's turn. After all, there are many more athletes that have been knighted in Britain.

The one with a bleeding heart is Ferrari's F1 driver Sebastian Vettel. He can't take it that a human being - a black one - has dethroned Schumacher. They never thought it could be done, let alone by a 35-year old black man. Anyway, a recent poll conducted by the British F1 news website among fans about who is the best driver saw Vettel "outracing" Hamilton who came out second on that poll. There you have it.

The white supremacist world can't stomach the thought of Hamilton being the GOAT (great of all time). They have now resorted to the creation of fictitious races where a white driver would be but a pseudo "GOAT".
In his dreamland, Hamilton's rival Vettel still believes Schumacher' is the best driver of all time, while Hamilton is nothing more than "the best driver of our era".

Consider that this is what Muhammad Ali The Greatest - Malcolm X's Comrade - said when he was asked to share his view about the film Rocky II, which he watched in 1979:

“A great movie. A big hit. It has all the ingredients. Love, violence, emotion. The excitement never dulled. For the black man to come out superior would be against America’s teachings. I have been so great in boxing they had to create an image like Rocky, a white image on the screen, to counteract my image in the ring. America has to have its white images, no matter where it gets them. Jesus, Wonder Woman, Tarzan and Rocky.”

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