
A Word of Caution to Afrikans

A Word of Caution to Afrikans

As a general rule, I don't subscribe to Eurocentric conceptualizations of beauty or its portrayal as a human contest - more so when the subject is an African Woman.

I viewed this form of amusement as objectionable objectification of those involved not too dissimilar in mould to what the Europeans did to our very own Saartjie Baartman.

I don’t perceive these plastic moments to contribute to the advancement of Black thought or restoration of African Nationhood.

Having said that; I don't in any way cast aspersions on those of my brethren who consider such forms of contestation less offensive to their sensibilities.

Ordinarily, I should take pride in all successes, however minuscule, which project Afrikans in good light - such as when Shudufhadzo, Zozibini et al... who were crowned in beauty pageants, but my complements are tampered with caution when the celebration of such successes results in the advocacy of tribalistic propensity.

Last year, there was tribalistic ‘banter’ by Unathi Nkayi when she said; “on behalf of Xhosa people, we are tired of holding up the nation” by was met with opprobrium and rightly so.

To her credit, Unathi Nkayi subsequently apologised for what the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Afrika later called “a bad joke” which did not amount to hate speech or incitement of gratuitous violence. Although her remarks were considered to amount to some form of ‘emotional violence’, whatever that means!

The above condemnation was appropriate as it had unintended consequences to project Xhosa people as being superior to other indigenous polities.

In the aftermath of the crowning of Shudufhadzo Musida as Miss South Africa, I notice a disturbing pattern which bears the hallmarks of last year’s incident by some people who may harbour tribalistic proclivities (insinuations that Vhavenda are somehow carrying the country), and I thought it prudent to discourage such conduct in the strongest possible terms as it goes against the grain or spirit of African Nationhood.

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