Richard Mulaudzi
It seems written in the stars. Amid this performative art, a central character is President Zuma, who once proclaimed during his triumphant hour that the "ANC will rule until Jesus comes back."
As a country, we are once again witnessing our leaders being duped by the colonisers, this time around, not to slaughter our cattle but to decommission our power stations and endure load shedding in the hope that someday in the future, solar energy will be the solution to the electricity crisis.
Closure. We all need closure. Closure is what many families were deprived of when their loved ones were assassinated by the Apartheid police or sentenced to death by hanging and some given a pauper's burial for their political convictions.
Ordinarily, I should take pride in all successes, however minuscule, which project Afrikans in good light - such as when Shudufhadzo, Zozibini et al... who were crowned in beauty pageants, but my complements are tampered with caution when the celebration of such successes results in the advocacy of tribalistic propensity.
Legend has it that the real story behind the name is that the Zuid Afrikaanse Republic (ZAR) sent Voortrekkers to hunt down and kill Kgoshi Maraba Ledwaba I, as he had been mounting resistance against settler occupation of his territory. Whilst on his trail, these hitmen came across three beautiful Ndebele maids who had gone to fetch water by the river, and had settled on the river bank to make necklaces out of beads.
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