Lehlohonolo Peega
This day of hope reminds us of the countless years Mandela spent sacrificing himself in pursuit of a better future. One can't help but wonder what it's like to spend "27 years" in confinement. Surely, his thoughts were not consumed by trivialities like daily meals or how the media or his supporters would consider which filter to use on his photograph.
It is shocking how Black bodies are just available towards violence of any kind historically hitherto. From Mbuya Nehanda to Andries Tatane, the decapitated head of King Hintsa to the 12 500 demands of Mambush to Collins Khosa and Mthokizisi Ntumba, shade, class or tribe is no determining factor as long as you wear the black gown you are available to state violence.
You are faced with a tough decision; you get to play God for a short while. Before you is a decision that will affect your childhood and inevitably your whole life.
Keeping up with the theme of ubiquity of Cele’s work, his expressions are not limited to the world of texture, colour, line, shape and space. He consciously affirms that his “body of work deals with themes of perception, the politics in identity and the transculturation of a Black man in contemporary South Africa.
In this performance, Miss Ntuli invites us into the deep corridors of her inner self, to witness a personal story of love, displacement, otherness and internal yearning. Like many a sublime artist, the art itself cuts tenfold, dwarfing this narration.
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