
BLF to Consider Armed Struggle

BLF to Consider Armed Struggle

Today Black First Land First (BLF) is releasing, for comment and debate, its Policy Discussion Document titled “BLF is banned! What is to be done?”. This is in furtherance of a Special Policy Conference which shall be held by BLF on the 30th of November 2019 in Johannesburg.

The Policy Document is part of the response to the deregistration of BLF as a political party. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has essentially banned BLF from participating in elections. BLF has launched an appeal with the Electoral Court against the decision of the IEC. We shall however not leave our fate in the hands of the biased courts.

The Policy Discussion Document puts three options for debate and adoption by BLF. The first option is to consider engagement in the armed struggle. The second option is to amend the BLF constitution without compromising its Black first mandate. The final option is a hybrid of pursuing both armed resistance and open political contest.

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Black First Land First

Black First Land First

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