
Sabelo Soko's Latest Project, Spin Venek, Adds A Vernacular Spin to Local Issues

Sabelo Soko's Latest Project, Spin Venek, Adds A Vernacular Spin to Local Issues

"...Spin Venek... you're not allowed to steal in your neighbourhood, you not allowed steal from your neighbour or what not" - The Agenda Network interviewee.

The eclectic wordsmith, Sabelo Soko, continues his exploration of language on his 3rd studio project, Spin Venek; a conceptual art piece that serves as a museum for memories and aspirations. Sonically, the album is inspired by the diverse musical heritage Soko was exposed to, growing up in an emerging township in Mpumalanga. This heritage, until the internet, relied on the radio as an accessible gallery, beyond the streets. The radio serves as a motif on Spin Venek. It is used as a museum. Soko assumes the role of a charismatic, Professor-come-DJ, in self-painted pants and designer jackets, as he takes the listener on this auditory walkabout. Subjects like financial literacy, community development, manhood and good old-fashioned love are explored on Spin Venek.

Spin Venek is available on all music streaming platforms as an immersive radio experience. It is also available in the conventional, album format.

Linktree: Sabelosoko


Sabelo Soko is a writer, performer and creative entrepreneur from Mkhondo, Mpumalanga. With close to 2 decades multimedia experience, Soko's catalogue boasts short films, studio records, marketing campaigns and live performance productions.

In 2018 he curated the first Basha Uhuru Poetry Showcase which has now become a flagship program for the Constitilution Hill based annual festival. Soko is passionate about original stories and the preservation thereof.


Soko's collection is marked by a sense of wisdom and a profound poise. The tracks inspire calm, yet they don't always stay still; like a deep breath on a crowded street, or a solitary meditation in the din of a speeding ghaido. They dramatise and swarm. - Makgotso Nkosi (writer, Iphupho L'ka Biko band manager, music connoisseur)

A thing has been made here. A thing of beauty. Straight from the heart. - Jefferson Tshabalala (writer, director, SBYA 2020 of Theatre, Impact Award 2020)

Such a refreshing piece art. I didn’t know I needed this project until I heard it. - Nkosinathi Quwe (visual artist, Nando's Creative Exchange 2019)

Sabelo Soko is a Masterclass. - Vus'umuzi Phakathi (critic, Mail & Guardian, Sowetan)

Sabzhero Creations
sabzherocreations@gmail.com Linktree: Sabelosoko

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