
Sasa’s Sex Special

Sasa’s Sex Special

Yey ayikho into emnandi njengokuvuswa nge tlof tlof ekuseni, ebusuku or whenever mawulele. Ukewabona uthi uyazilalisa ubaby angasho niks avele akobise ugwayi ku panty, uthi uyazikgonisa akudle kunjalo? Hei that is not rape. That is him giving you ugwayi knowing that uzovuka ngoba uthanda izinto. You were not drugged mos, and ubungadakwanga. If you wake up in the morning and complain that awuzwanga niks kusho khona ukuthi hai ama walls we mbumbuza sewavithikile. Ngyadlala.

Yaz kunabo Maria abazenza ngathi bayawusaba ugwayi, umSamariya ongazi ngocansi mara mawuthi ubamba imbumbuza, ipanty limanzi nte. Phela there are guys who know their business in the bedroom bathong. From his kisses nje usuyamfuna. Abanye they will lick you from head to toe usale unuka amathe and be turned off. Abanye they waste time ngokuyolanda i-condom ku wardrobe, side table eyani vele? Ok ifake phansi kwe pillow ke..

We want guys like Stivovo. Stivovo does not direct your hand to his mapipi so you can play with it. No. Akakhumuli i-boxer and leave his shirt, socks and shoes on bese akudle njenge one-night stand. Stivovo does not lick your ears so much that you end up not hearing God's word. Stivovo plays with your tits usagqokile, nipple rubs are the best phela. Ngapha his kisses are so smooth, passionate, and when he kisses you your mind is busy screaming, “take off my bra, man!" La sekayikhumula khona now you want him to go down on you. Enyinto akashiftisi ipanty one side embumbuzeni bese angena embobeni. No. Instead, ulikhumula lonke ipanty. He does not even have to pull your legs apart. Wena ngokwakho uzomvulela very wide.

Bakla bakla bakla mpf mpf mpf akazenzi u-guy. He makes love to you. He makes sure you feel every inch. Lento yokundizisa izinyawo zika girl emoyeni or bazibeke emahlombe for deep penetration bayithathaphi abafana vele? Yey maan those things azichamisani saan. Mina angikaze ngizwe bathi kuno girl owachamiswa yi style se kirivane. You want a girl to cum? Missionary baba. Manje mawuzobeka inyawo eliy1 ehlombe and lock the other one where she just feels your mabhola hitting her thigh uthi uzochama kanjani umntwanabantu?

Nibosibheka emehlweni bo manisidla. That way we know you not imagining riding your crush manisidla. Uvalelani amehlo vele? Some don't even moan. Ubona umuntu ngokuthi ayeke ukukufesha ukuthi sekaqedile. At least khala njenge mbuzi ke. Anything. Hawu umfesha kanjani umuntu wakho ungalokhu uthi,"baby ngyakuthunda yezwa." And you must say it like you mean it cause abanye usuyazi ukuthi no akathandi wena uthanda lebhantsi lakho.

Eh ukewazishaya no Thibos? Ai ai ai the worst. Hei nangumuntu uthanda izinto ezi wild bo. He'd lick your ass. Ok. Usathi uzama ukukhohlwa lokho afake umunwe edidini. Haibo Thibos wenza njani manje avele akufake ugwayi edidini..and guess what? He'll pretend it was a mistake. After sleeping with so many women akasazi imbobo yekhekhe ukuthi iva? Usathi uyazikwatisa he will ask you to tea bag him. Haibo..ngathi amandeski a-sensitive kanje? He wants them to be sucked while he is standing bese ahamba ngamatsetsekwane? Jeez abanye abo-girl bayazibona shame! The minute you feel uncomfortable gqoka uhambe uyekini. Ungawumela ugwayi edidini ngathi ne-speit sibuhlungu kanje? Unless you are wild ke nawe and uyazithanda izinto ezibheke eceleni, ungavumi shame.

Mina ngizifela ngoStefano. Hehe..fifty shades of black baba. He blindfolds you, akubophele kubhedi bese athathe loswazi labo athi ukukushaya ngalo kancane embumbuzeni nasemabeleni. The minute you shout the word RED he knows you are uncomfortable and he stops. Hai islima esiqhubekayo noma uthi kubuhlungu. Lalela, uStefano uyazi ukuthi i-bj asiyithandi senzela abo-guy nje ukuthi bajabule, so he never directs your head to his dick. Uyazazi lezilima ezithatha ikhanda lakho lilithi bha kupipi and when you suck him akakuphi moya he even fucks your mouth? Weeh! Siphefumule kanjani ke? Deep throat for what? After three weeks usabhodla amasende ka Mr. Deep throat. Futhi vele mina i-bj angiyifuni, umntwana uzoyeka kanjani ukugula because umdoko wakhe bawupholisa ngomlomo omunywa ngawo ugwayi kazibanibani. Cidhe ngakhohlwa...lalela, i-clit mawudlala ngayo udlala ngayo kahle ukuthi uvaby abemanzi akere, hai ngathi you rubbing sore muscles nge deep heat or any other rub-rub mawubuya ukuyodlala ibhola. Ngithi noma ufunda incwadi, play with your girl’s pussy. That way you will be able to turn the pages of the book you reading with ease. Eh imagine incwadi seyinuka ikhekhe!

Oh well, different strokes for different folks so each to their own really. Whatever works for you and makes you AND your partner comfortable, do it. Ungezwa ngoSasa ngoba uzozincisha ama-multiple orgasms ngenxa yami. You want sex on the rooftop at night, go for it. Okusalayo ama-night patrol azokubamba uyolala ejele bese ungasalitholi lelokhekhe or ugwayi womuntu wakho. Yenza kahle udlale kahle angithi..

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