Black Music Desk
“We want our money” was the cry heard at the then Proes Street (now Johannes Ramokhoase Street) at the direction of the Pretoria City Council of the time.
"Rah is a song lamenting the decay of the earth and the anxiety of existing in it, with it, and as it" he comments. "Is self-cannibalisation just the order of nature? Is it part of the healing? Is there renewal on the other side of disaster? Still, we beg for repentance." commented Desire Marea
This is not a burial; it’s a resurrection as the title of the film goes; and so it shall be on March 4 at the Marabastad Jazz Festival within the halls of the South African State Theatre’s (most fittingly) Malombo stage.
Pitori mahlanyeng, some call it. The place of the mad ones. There is just something a little bit extra about the Blacks of Pitori (not to be confused with Pretoria). To the outsider, there is a spotlight-hogging, devil-may-care, happy-go-lucky gait and manner to these street-smart philosophers that suggests a madness touched by trauma.
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