


Where Books Live is an initiative by the Joburg City Theatres as part of the annual School’s Setwork Festival. The first installation of the festival is the classic play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, scheduled for 13 April to 22 May 2021 at the Joburg Theatre, Johannesburg, selling at R80 per ticket.

About Where Books Live:

Do you recall the very first play you attended at a theatre? How the memory was etched by the entire experience, from your cohort, to the performances, to the splendor of costume and lights, to the audience’s laughs, sighs, and gasps of amazement before your eyes? Have you had the pleasure of reading the text post seeing it come to life? Or better still, listening to its audio and having it replaying clearly in your mind? Through the Where Books Live programme, thousands of South African learners are being granted the opportunity of answering a stout “Yes” to all the above questions.

At the heart of Where Books Live is the recognition that learning is a multi-sensory process, and thus the programme aims to provide a solution that will supplement and advance the limited classroom environment. Multi-sensory learning is less restrictive than written text as thus allows for better understanding with broader media support for its interpretation.

As a response to the difficulty brought by COVID-19 to the classroom, learners will not only enjoy the live theatre experience but also receive the audio version of the play for continued enhancement of their understanding of the said setworks; fostering an unforgettable comprehension of the text as it were.

About The Setworks:

The Joburg Theatre forged partnerships with Dr. Duma kaNdlovu, to bring literature to life with young and new voices.

The Duma Ndlovu Academy, housed at the Joburg Theatre, will put an African spin to Shakespeare’s Macbeth, making the classics contemporary and relatable.

Macbeth will run from 13 Apr – 22 Apr. Tickets are available at eighty-rand (R80) on joburgtheatre.com.

For more information email Vus’umuzi Phakathi on phakathi@currentstate.co.za. Follow Joburg Theatre on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for immediate updates. Also visit joburgtheatre.com for information on various programmes.

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