
The Last Testament of Sabelo Gqwetha Phama

The Last Testament of Sabelo Gqwetha Phama

Take my garment Comrades,
That is all I can give you, for...
That is all I have
The blood stains,
Turn into banners
Bullets and bombs
And hit them hard, here, there,
So they may know
That they cannot kill a cause
By killing me
Hold on to unity
And steadfastly
And let no greasy palm
Or Oily hand
Can cause bad blood between
You and you
And you and me
Unending struggle has been my whole life.
Sharper and fiercer will be yours.
But unyielding, unyielding struggle alone
Will restore
Our flaming glory
And past proud dignity
Salute my motherlands for me
Our beloved song, whisper
Gently to her for me
With roar of rage
Charge and storm
Strike and pound
Today, tomorrow
Month after month
Year after year
Until our handcuffed land is finally and totally free
And then… and then only shed
A happy tear for me.

Reply of The Heirs – The Poqo Warriors
Comrade Secretary,
Comrade Commander,
We have lifted your garment
Your precious gift we shall guard
Even from our flowing tears
We shall hound, hunt and hit them
They will have no sleep,
No rest, no peace
For they must learn
Our noble cause is invincible
Fallen comrade
You have taught us
No greasy palm
Can tempt or divide us
No Geneva.
Our road is long
With raining bombs above
And exploding mines below
But our advance shall seize
And smash
And push the battle lines globally
Into the 21st century
Like you we shall fall
In tens,
But we shall go on and on
No villa
Can ever make us
Give up the fight
For our land and liberty
Even red be the rain
Until our motherland is completely
And finally, free.
With happy tears,
We shall leave our planet.
And fly to towards the sky
Out of solar system
Into the timeless universe
A blood-stained garment as a guide

Towards the final destiny.

*Sabelo Victor Phama was an Anti-Apartheid Activist, Military Commander of Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) and Secretary of Defense in the Pan African Congress PAC. He was a South African revolutionary.

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