
Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

“We fight Rhodes because he means so much for oppression, injustice, & moral degradation to South Africa - but if he passed away tomorrow there still remains the terrible fact that something in our society has formed the matrix which has fed, nourished and built up such a man.”



You, always the beautiful and hauntingly quiet older sister and I, the brainy and loud mouth younger sister, a tale etched in our sub-conscious by family, neighbours and later re-affirmed by teachers and our peers. Nobody said much about how intelligent you are, everyone’s interest was in making this beauty define the essence of who you are.

Waiting For Home

The air is stale here in the summer A wind of mosquitoes overwhelms the stillness, We are running from breathing because it bites Our blood is heaving at the tips of bite mountains forming on our skins

Sew The Winter To My Skin

“Spending time in my mother’s hometown of rural Somerset East exposed me to the legend of John Kepe,” says Qubeka. “The epic nature of his capture, the spiritual poetry of his calling, the impending horror of Apartheid and the power of Kepe’s fervent belief in something greater than himself drew me to his intriguing tale.

Nina Simone - Four Women

Nina Simone Four Women written by Christina Ham uses the framework of one of Nina Simone’s most blistering songs “Four Women” to give voice to a group of women who suffered from self-hatred due to the different hues of their skin. These matriarchs of emancipation carry their songs of praise and protest deep within their spirits. These voices of angels unite in a chorus to cast out the demon of segregation.

Rich Black, Poor Black: The Precarious Life Of Black People

It matters not how far you have climbed the social and the economic ladder. If you are black your position there is always fraught with danger. Which is to say you can have the illusion that you are rich but that can change as quickly as Cape Town weather. The soccer stars that we grew up idolizing who seemed like they had made it are eating from the dustbins now.


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