
Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

“We fight Rhodes because he means so much for oppression, injustice, & moral degradation to South Africa - but if he passed away tomorrow there still remains the terrible fact that something in our society has formed the matrix which has fed, nourished and built up such a man.”


Enos Mafokate Turns 79 at Soweto Equestrian Centre

As the custodians of apartheid, the NP governed South Africa from the 4th of June 1948, spanning the period until the 9th of May 1994. The latter details are critical in attempts to comprehend that ntate Enos Mafokate was treated as just another kaffir (a heathen incapable of achieving much due to their pigmentation as black, instead of their inability).

Political Communication Skill Deficit

Effective political communication requires approaching public speaking with a focus on the message and how to deliver the message and not on how one looks and sounds. Importantly, political communicators must adopt a conversational rather than performative approach to communicating or responding to a political message


For some seats, one had to sit directly on the sponge. When I sat down, I felt that my nether regions were absorbing most of the cold. My penis and scrotum had shrunk, even though I was wearing two pairs of pants.


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