
Afrika’s Rain Goddesses Are Angry

Afrika’s Rain Goddesses Are Angry

Oshun is the Yoruba (Nigerian) River Goddess. When incensed, Mama Oshun sends down heavy rainfalls, flooding the land.

Modjadji is the Balobedu (Limpopo/Zimbabwe) Goddess. Her specialties are balance, restoration, weather, cleansing and fertility. She sends gentle rain that makes gardens and fields flourish to her people, and she sends droughts, storms and floods to her people’s enemies.

Mangwe is a water Goddess known as "the flooder" in the beliefs of the Ila people of Zambia.

Ala is one of the oldest Igbo (Nigerian) goddesses. Her name 'Ala' means earth, demonstrating her power over the planet. Ala is the goddess of fertility, creativity, land, and morality. She is the wife of Amadioha, the god of the sky.

Yemaya is considered the mother of all since she is the goddess of the Living Ocean. All life is believed to have started in the sea. Yemaya is motherly and protective of all her kids, comforting them and cleansing away all their sorrows.

Abena is the Akan (Ghana) river Goddess. She shields children and looks after them as adults as she perceives her believers as her children. Her name is associated with gold, brass, as well as with other symbols of wealth.

Oya is the Goddess of violent rainstorms in Yoruba (Nigerian) mythology. She is a spirit of heavy winds, lightning, and violent storms, death and rebirth. In Yoruba, the name Ọya means "she tore”. She is known as Ọya-Iyansanan – the "mother of nine" - because of the 9 children she gave birth to were stillborn; she suffered from a lifetime of barrenness. She is the patron of the Niger River.

Bunzi is the Goddess of rain in Kongo (Woyo people) mythology. She is the daughter of Mboze, the Great Mother. Bunzi rewards those who worship her with an abundant harvest and those who disrespect her with tempestuous floods. In some Kongo tribes, Bunzi is called Mpulu Bunzi and is considered as a male spirit of rain and twin phenomenon. He was friends with Nzazi, the god of thunder.

Mbaba Mwana Waresa is a fertility Goddess of the Zulu religion of Southern Africa. She rules over rainbows, agriculture, harvests, rain, and beer and has power over water and earth. She taught Her people how to sow and reap and also taught them the art of making beer. It is this act that has made Her one of the more revered goddesses of the Zulu people.

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Thandolwethu Sipuye

Thandolwethu Sipuye

Thando Sipuye is an Afrikan-centred historian and social scientist. He is currently the Programme Officer at the Steve Biko Foundation. He writes for the Foundation.

Afrika’s Rain Goddesses Are Angry

Afrika’s Rain Goddesses Are Angry

Modjadji is the Balobedu (Limpopo/Zimbabwe) Goddess. Her specialties are balance, restoration, weather, cleansing and fertility. She sends gentle rain that makes gardens and fields flourish to her people, and she sends droughts, storms and floods to her people’s enemies

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