
Black Salutations

Black World Salutations: Patrice Lumumba

Black World Salutations: Patrice Lumumba

“[T]he only thing which we wanted for our country is the right to a worthy life, to dignity without pretence, to independence without restrictions. This was never the desire of the Belgian colonialists and their Western allies…” - Patrice Lumumba’s Letter from Thysville Prison to Mrs. Lumumba.



AZANIA is an integral part of Afrika. Azania is the name of our country for which Black people bled and died in their thousands so that Azania would be proudly sounded in calling the land of our forebears. If anybody wanted a referendum to check the “acceptability” of the name Azania, we must remind them about the June 16 Uprisings. We must ask them to count the body bags of Azanians who died defiantly embracing the name Azania.

Black World Salutations: Walter Rodney (1942 - 1980)

Black World Salutations: Walter Rodney (1942 - 1980)

After being expelled from Jamaica, Rodney returned to Tanzania. There he lectured and continued to support the liberation struggle of the people of Tanzania and other parts of Afrika. His stay in Afrika played a big part in his decision to publish his seminal work, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.

A Letter to Mkhulu Mangaliso Sobukwe

A Letter to Mkhulu Mangaliso Sobukwe

I decided to write this letter to you to share my thoughts with you about where I think we find ourselves as Afrikan people. We learn from the older generation of activists about your glorious deeds and the immeasurable sacrifices you and your peers made, in defence of our natural right as Afrikans to be human beings worthy of dignity and respect, in the land of our Ancestors.


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