


Yaz kumnandi ukuthandwa mara. Being with someone othi mawumvakashele angakubuzi ukuthi uvaya nini. Mawuye Friday angathi hamba Saturday. The kind of man that allows surprise visits, not lo ofuna ubike njalo mawuya so he removes evidence yokufeba. Broke guys are toxic ke sana because they are forever up to no good. Umuntu kunokuthi afune i-spaan yena hlezi afunana nokusuthisa umthondo wakhe. Banabantwana abaningi ebile, cause into abayihlelele elokishini umfesho wamakoporosh ongabhadlanga.

Being loved by someone who not only adores you but loves having you around is beautiful. Umuntu othi makumele uhambe aphatheke kabi and makes all sorts of excuses just to keep you around. Such guys abafeshani kakhulu futhi. Iskhathi socansi sine-pillow talk and they always try to find out more about you, your dreams, what you are passionate about, what you don't like and your sexual fantasies. They respect what you want and don't want in bed. Mabakufesha they ensure that kuchama wena kuqala before they offload. Mawumtshela ukuthi azintshontshe mawulele cause it's your sexual fantasy, they do just that. They give you multiple orgasms and leaves you begging for more, hai labododi abathi mawungachamanga okwakho bowumeleni ungachami.

Afike ke ubaby lo okuthandayo akuthi breakfast in bed after a hot and steamy love making session. They are caring ke laba, they run your bath water afake ama bath salts afake kwasa bath foam then he helps you wash your back masewugeza. Awugezi nge green bar soap le enuka kabi bese uwasha idzunga ngayo. Uyakuvumela futhi ukuthi ushiye itoothbrush and a couple of clothes kwakhe. Noma ubuyela next time uzozithola la uzishiye khona njengomama wasekhaya. Lo ongakuthandi uthatha impahla yakho ayifake inside a black plastic bag bese ayilahlela ku freezer so that kuzoba ngathu isishebo if uyabamba. Akere rona bo girlie we hardly go through the fridge for ama-evidence if ubaby singamthembi, kanti kulapho ekumele uyekhona bruh. Abanye bafihla emva kwama pipe wase toilet. Waya khona uthola kwasa old condom wrappers.

Ubaby lo okuthandayo ke uyakukhipha for ama-out and wants to be seen in public with you. If niya e-cinema he will steal a kiss or two. He also takes a number of photos with you, and if he believes in keeping his relationship private but you don't, he allows you to be you. Whether you post him kuma-social networks or not, he couldn't care less and doesn't love you any less. If he is broke and cannot buy you gifts, he finds other ways to show you how much you mean to him. When you go to the loo kungenagesi and you wanna release faeces, ungena nawo ebhoshi akumele. Ya yena uzokhalaza that kumele uhambise isisu, but akanendaba as long as wena u-safe and ubhoshile that's all that matters.

Cuddling yabo Jesu! Uvukeliswa yi-warmth yakhe net ku-skin sakho. They even kiss you before touching your thigh, unlike lemigulukudu who touch your thigh first as a sign of wanting to go in between your legs. They always call or text to ensure if you alright and if you not, they wanna know what they can do to help. They even introduce you to their family and they pray nawe and go to church nawe. Kule relationship you are not Fihliwe and nawe deep down uyazibonela uma uthandwa whether ubaby unemali or not.

Listening to your inner voice is vital, cause umuntu makedlala ngawe nawe uzozibonela. From the way akhuluma nawe ngakhona to the way akufesha ngakhona. A person that only talks to you or texts you mawunemali bese abe-snax mayiphela it's obvious that they only value you when they have something to benefit. Love is beautiful, know your worth and be with someone who will not only claim they love you, but well, show it too. Umuntu othi mawumfownela angabheki iphone azibuze ukuthi ufunani manje lo then claim bekalele ngo 7pm. Mawuthi uya-ku whatsapp last seen yakhe beyingo-11pm but they never even bothered to acknowledge the missed call.

Be with someone who shares expenses nawe, uthi mawumkhiphile akuncedise ku-bill. Someone who plans their future nawe and makes time to be with you no matter how busy they are. DATE FOR A PURPOSE!

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