
Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

“We fight Rhodes because he means so much for oppression, injustice, & moral degradation to South Africa - but if he passed away tomorrow there still remains the terrible fact that something in our society has formed the matrix which has fed, nourished and built up such a man.”


Engaging "We, the Purple"

"We the Purple" centers around the pivotal 1994 elections and the symbolic Purple Rain Protest of 1989. Through a unique blend of visual, auditory, and tactile elements, the exhibition offers a multifaceted exploration of South Africa's lived experiences.

Our Unsung Griot Has Fallen

it has remained perplexing to me how mute the mainstream media has been concerning the fateful departure of this gifted local ‘son of the soil.’ To unmute Mocholoko’s griot status, let’s turn to his obituary, which affords his voice expression.


The exhibition is a three-part presentation exploring the concept of "Pula" a Setswana term that refers to 'rain'. It is a metaphor for prosperity, abundance, and exploring the concept of blessings such as through symbolic themes of spirituality & socio-political conversations.

The 1976 Generation's Blueprint for Youth

Youth Month in South Africa serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the pressing issues that continue to plague the country's young population. Despite their potential and creativity, many young people in South Africa face staggering unemployment rates, social ills, and economic marginalization.

KROTOA: A Marginalized Pioneering South African Heroine

If existing records are accurate, 2024 arguably marks a seminal 350 years since Krotoa (1643-1674) transitioned to the ancestral realm. After attending an inaugural workshop on the "Histories of Universities in South Africa" hosted at Stellenbosch University (SU), led by Prof. Salim Badat in March 2023, I reflected on why the formerly named RW Wilcocks Building was renamed in honor of Krotoa.


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