
Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

Cecil John Rhodes: British Empire Hitman

“We fight Rhodes because he means so much for oppression, injustice, & moral degradation to South Africa - but if he passed away tomorrow there still remains the terrible fact that something in our society has formed the matrix which has fed, nourished and built up such a man.”


Midnight Mmusi

He took up acting to prepare for the task ahead. He planted himself as a sleeper cell within the DA - the embodiment of neoliberalism in South Africa. Slowly he began to learn their ways, mould his persona to what they wanted, shoring up power.

Voting Cow Consciousness

Now, when you pause and think about it. The black agenda - in its 'civilized' or in the hands of educated Blacks, in its expression of propertied Blacks who hold tenure in keeping with white sensibilities - has always been welcomed in white power corridors. It has never been an utter no-no for whites to countenance the Black agenda.

Ntsako Wa Xibelani

Such incidents were not rare; the negative social stereotyping of traditional culture amongst black people goes back to the establishment of the missionaries, a religious, pseudo-colonial undertaking that deemed African culture uncivilized, and demanded Africans do away with their traditional, “sinful”, ways of life in exchange for “virtuous” Western culture and its “superior” education.

Ties That Bind

The three-part documentary series brings a fresh perspective on what is our generally accepted history in the ‘woke’ era. In the midst of these roundtable discussions there is even a suggestion that colonialism was a collaborative project; and how identifying as Black is not only a matter of pigmentation, as per Steve Biko’s definition.

When I am old

When I’m old and my hair is Grey I never want to look back and regret How we never counted stars, named and owned a few How we never fought to fight another day

‘Black’: two in one

As the oppressed group, against the oppressor-camp, we are all Black. And for that reason, we must do all the things Biko suggests we must do: such as “cling to one another with a tenacity that will surprise the oppressor”; “rally together around the cause of our oppression - the blackness of our skin” and provide the antithetical counterpoint that will arrest and dismantle the oppressor-camp’s assault on us. Namely, “Black solidarity” against “White racism”.


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